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Integration Server


The integration server is NodeRed

  1. Instructions here:
  2. Use command: bash <(curl -sL
  3. Select Y to continue and Y to install Pi specific nodes
  4. For additional settings, you can run the command: node-red admin init
  5. Enable Node Red service:
  6. Use command: sudo systemctl enable nodered.service
  7. Run Node Red service:
  8. Use command: sudo node-red-start
  9. Login to Node Red at <IP address>:1880
  10. Check to see if you have tabs for Webmap and FTH Video Checker Flows in Node Red
  11. If not, go to:
  12. Click the copy button on the right side of the line to copy the raw contents of WebMap.json to your clipboard
  13. Go back to your Node Red and click the Hamburger menu icon (right upper corner) and select Import
  14. Paste the raw contents here and click import
  15. If you get an error about missing “world map, world map in & config”
    1. Click Hamburger menu and select Manage palette
    2. Select install and search for “node-red-contrib-web-worldmap” and click install
    3. Click back in search field and search for “node-red-contrib-config” and click install
  16. In Node Red WebMap flow tab:
  17. Select the FTH Global Config node and update the FTH_FTS_URL and FTH_FTS_VIDEO_URL fields with your IP (or ZeroTier) address
  18. Select the Post CoT to FTS node and update the “bearer authentication” Token field with ‘
  19. Click DEPLOY in upper right corner of Node Red to save settings
  20. You should now get green “connected” indicators under one or all these nodes: FTS Server, TAK Map, tak-map & event
  21. Confirm that the flow is working by logging back into the FTS Web UI: <IP address>:5000 and click on the WebMap tab. Now you should see the world map displayed