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Manual Configuration

Configure FreeTAKServer < 1.9


Depending on the linux distro your config file for FTS will be in a python version dependant location. you can use pip to discover the location. Type:

 sudo python3 -m pip show FreeTAKServer

If you are running python 3.7 you would get


similarly, If you are running python 3.8


You can edit the file via nano with the following command

sudo nano /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer/controllers/configuration/

To exit nano ctrl+x and then enter y to save and hit enter.


OPTIONAL this should not be necessary since FTS 1.5 you need to change the DBFilePath value to something valid, if you are running as root, /root is a good choice.

Original Value

# this should be set before startup
DBFilePath = str(r'/opt/FTSDataBase.db')

As roots Home Folder

# this should be set before startup
DBFilePath = str(r'/root/FTSDataBase.db')

MySQL database

FTS supports an abstraction layer, so it's easy to use a different database like MySQL. MYSQL is still experimental support, so use at your own risk. To switch to a MySQL database

# this should be set before startup
DBFilePath = str('user:pass@localhost/dbname')

And then under

sudo nano /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer/controllers/configuration/


DataBaseType = str('sqlite:///')
DataBaseType = str('mysql://')