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Raspberry Pi

this procedure Installs FTS + UI + video Server onto a Raspberry Pi

Hardware requirements

you need a RaspPi with at least 4 GB RAM


Prepare an SD Card

Start with new installation of ubuntu 22.04 server for RaspPi 64. FTS 2.1 expects Ubuntu 22.04 (64 bit).

You will need an imager.

Follow the instructions to prepare an SD card with the appropriate image.

The rpi-imager provides a means for setting an ssh authorized key and default username and password.

Setup Hardware

  • insert the prepared SD card into the Raspberry Pi.
  • connect a keyboard
  • connect a monitor
  • connect to an ethernet network

Update the OS

The initial setup takes ~5 minutes on a RaspPi 4 Login with fts / ubuntu (or whichever user you selected)

If the RaspPi is connected to your router, when it boots it will display the IP grabbed from DHCP server. Write down the IP address, we will need it later.

sudo apt update -y 
sudo apt upgrade -y
You may be prompted during the upgrade. Generally, accepting the defaults is appropriate.

In some cases you need to run: sudo apt full-upgrade or sudo apt-get dist-upgrade.

It is generally easier to communicate with your server via ssh. You will need the IP address (you should write the address down for later reference).

sudo apt install -y net-tools
ip addr
Here is representative fragment from an output.
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether d8:3a:dd:5f:27:24 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet metric 100 brd scope global dynamic eth0
       valid_lft 53818sec preferred_lft 53818sec
    inet6 fe80::da3a:ddff:fe5f:2724/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
The IP address in this case is This is the same address you may have captured earlier during initial boot.

Multiple reboot may be required to get the OS fully updated.

sudo reboot 

From here on it should be possible to connect via ssh. Here is an example with the IP address obtained previously and fts user.

ssh fts@

Update Prerequisites

Verify the following packages are installed.

sudo apt install -y wget curl

Run the Zero Touch Installer (ZTI)

The ZTI can be run in different environments, make sure you are running it correctly or you will need to update configuration files later.

[default] Cloud Server

In this mode, ZTI guesses your IP address using curl If this does not give the appropriate IP address you will need to provide it. Run one of the following (equivalent) commands to start the ZeroTouch installer.

wget -qO - | sudo bash
Alternate, full path.
wget -qO - | bash

Custom IP Address

By default, the ZTI guesses your IP address. There are several ways to discover a candidate IP address, here are two (and a capture).

ip -4 addr show eth0 | grep -oP '(?<=inet\s)\d+(\.\d+){3}'
export MY_IP=$(ip -4 addr show eth0 | grep -oP '(?<=inet\s)\d+(\.\d+){3}')
With an appropriate IP address in hand you can run the `ZTI`.
wget -qO - | sudo bash -s -- --ip-addr ${MY_IP}
Alternate, full path.
wget -qO - | sudo bash -s -- --ip-addr ${MY_IP}

ZTI Usage

wget -qO - | sudo bash -s -- --help


ZeroTouch will have configured the system and started the services for you. However, there are many corner cases which ZeroTouch may miss. Many (if not all) of the choices made by ZeroTouch are written to stdout. I recommend that you validate the properties in that output. I recommend that you stop the fts services prior to reconfiguration.