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The Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is an application-level network protocol designed for multiplexing and packetizing multimedia transport streams (such as interactive media, video and audio) over a suitable transport protocol. It is the primary protocol used by TAK video servers.

The following client applications may be used as an alternative to TAK ICU.


Any RTSP feed will need an appropriate URL.


ip : the IP address of the FTS Server.

feed : any (ascii) text, e.g. foo, test.


This RTSP video generator has its own page.


On Windows and Linux you can generate RTSP video feeds with the venerable ffmpeg.

ffmpeg -re -stream_loop -1 -i -c copy -f rtsp rtsp://

This loops on the mpeg4 file sending it as the rtsp:// stream.

Larix Broadcaster

Larix Broadcaster is an app for mobile devices, e.g. Android and iPad.


In Settings establish a Connections. Use Manage Connections then use the + button. Add a Connection. The Connection has the following properties: * Name: <feed> * URL: rstp://<ip>:8554/<feed> * Mode: Video only

The <ip> should be set to the IP address of the FTS Server. The <feed> can be set to any (ascii) text, e.g. foo or test.


Return to the main screen and press the play button.

Integration with FTS

The FTS integration, FreeTAKHub_VideoChecker has existed since FTS 1.9.5. It allows for seamless streaming of videos by connecting to the video server.

Normally, when a device is streaming video, connected TAK end user device will be not notified, it is necessary to manually create a new feed in the RTSP application.

The video stream is sent to all the connected TAK Devices


Now you can retrieve it in your video list


In the video you can open the feed and visualize it. image

Touching the globe, will jump to the location of the stream, to see its context
