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Free TAK Server User Interface

The WebUI is typically under the control of systemd as fts-ui.service.


The FTS-UI communicates with the FTS and the FTH.

Inbound Connection (in port 5000)

(port 5000)

API Service Connection (websocket port 19023)

Integration Connection (websocket port 8000)

Zero Touch Installer (ZTI)

ZeroTouch makes assumptions configuring the system. However, there are many corner cases which ZeroTouch may miss. For example, ZTI acquires the IP address by, effectively using:

In many environments this produces the desired result. In cases, not on the public internet, this result will be incorrect. The following is more likely to be what you want.
ip addr

Validate the properties set in the fts-ui configuration file.

Verify and/or Edit the fts-ui configuration file Use of a python virtual environment (here the ZTI location) is recommended.

Here is a sample fragment of that file.
class Config(object):

    # this IP will be used to connect with the FTS API
    IP = ''

    # the public IP your server is exposing
    APPIP = ''

    # The IP the Web UI service will use to access the Webmap service
    WEBMAPIP = ''

    # The TCP port the Web UI service will use to access the Webmap service
    WEBMAPPORT = 1880
ZTI sets the IP and WEBMAPIP to your externally known IP address. If you are not on a public network this will need to be adjusted.

WEBMAPPORT is 1880 for a NodeRedFlow install and 8000 for a compiled webmap.