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Checking Your Installation

Check FreeTAKServer, FreeTAKServer-UI, and WebMap

Open a web browser to:

http://[YOUR_IP_ADDRESS]:5000/ default

  • login with your credentials
  • by default is user: admin, password: password
  • you should promptly change the login credentials
  • check whether services are OK (blue) image
  • connect a client to the server
  • click on the WEBMAP button
  • confirm the client is connected in the WEBMAP

Check The Video Server

Open a web browser to:

http://[YOUR_IP_ADDRESS]:9997/v1/config/get default

Confirm the configuration (which is in json format):

  "logLevel": "info",
  "logDestinations": [
  "logFile": "mediamtx-server.log",
  "readTimeout": "10s",
  "writeTimeout": "10s",
  "readBufferCount": 512,
  "api": true,
  "apiAddress": "[YOUR_IP_ADDRESS]:9997",
  "metrics": false,
  "metricsAddress": "",
  "pprof": false,
  "pprofAddress": "",
  "runOnConnect": "",
  "runOnConnectRestart": false,
  "rtspDisable": false,
  "protocols": [
  "encryption": "no",
  "rtspAddress": ":8554",
  "rtspsAddress": ":8555",
  "rtpAddress": ":8000",
  "rtcpAddress": ":8001",
  "multicastIPRange": "",
  "multicastRTPPort": 8002,
  "multicastRTCPPort": 8003,
  "serverKey": "server.key",
  "serverCert": "server.crt",
  "authMethods": [
  "readBufferSize": 2048,
  "rtmpDisable": false,
  "rtmpAddress": ":1935",
  "hlsDisable": false,
  "hlsAddress": ":8888",
  "hlsAlwaysRemux": false,
  "hlsSegmentCount": 3,
  "hlsSegmentDuration": "1s",
  "hlsAllowOrigin": "*",
  "paths": {
    "~^.*$": {
      "source": "publisher",
      "sourceProtocol": "automatic",
      "sourceAnyPortEnable": false,
      "sourceFingerprint": "",
      "sourceOnDemand": false,
      "sourceOnDemandStartTimeout": "10s",
      "sourceOnDemandCloseAfter": "10s",
      "sourceRedirect": "",
      "disablePublisherOverride": false,
      "fallback": "",
      "publishUser": "",
      "publishPass": "",
      "publishIPs": [],
      "readUser": "",
      "readPass": "",
      "readIPs": [],
      "runOnInit": "",
      "runOnInitRestart": false,
      "runOnDemand": "",
      "runOnDemandRestart": false,
      "runOnDemandStartTimeout": "10s",
      "runOnDemandCloseAfter": "10s",
      "runOnPublish": "",
      "runOnPublishRestart": false,
      "runOnRead": "",
      "runOnReadRestart": false

Check the FreeTAKHub Server (or Node-RED Server)

Open a web browser to:

http://[YOUR_IP_ADDRESS]:1880/ default

  • login with your credentials
  • by default is user: admin, password: password (you should promptly change the default password)
  • these are the same credentials used previously

see NodeRed for more information

Check Voice server

connect a client to [YOUR_IP_ADDRESS]:64738