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Why a Free TAK Server

I want to emphasize a key principle: "Before you ask, ask yourself what you can give." Now, you might wonder, why should you give? As the authors of FTS, here are our top 10 reasons for creating this software for you:


  1. Since 2020, FreeTAKServer (FTS) has been a labor of love, supported by dozens of volunteers dedicating their free time, including Sundays.
  2. FTS boasts a modern, scalable architecture, completely revamped for the 2.X series.
  3. It's nurtured by a dedicated community that stands up to giants.
  4. Extensive documentation supports users at every step.
  5. FTS is incredibly versatile, capable of running on a wide range of platforms (and no, this don't mean that ANYBOBY can run FTS on everything!) .
  6. It intelligently "understands" COT messages, paving the way for innovative developments.
  7. Our public roadmap invites community involvement and contribution towards a shared vision.
  8. FTS embodies true open-source principles, welcoming everyone to contribute and benefit. we are not hiding behind secrecy and limited access
  9. Installation is straightforward compared to the convoluted process for TAK Server.
  10. We believe in the power of community and open-source development. FTS is not just "our software"; it's a collaborative effort that benefits all users.


  1. TAK Server OG is based on ancient (20+ years) J2EE architecture with a lot of spaghetti code.
  2. It's notoriously difficult to install—historically requiring specialized personnel funded by the USG.
  3. The user interface is far from user-friendly.
  4. It's maintained by a mega-corporation charging exorbitant fees for minimal service.
  5. The documentation is either sparse or non-existent.
  6. It demands significant machine resources to operate.
  7. It acts merely as a "broker" without any understanding of the messages it handles.
  8. There's no public roadmap.
  9. Though recently open-sourced, TAK Server lacks a true open-source spirit, focusing mainly on military applications without community engagement.
  10. Pressure from our project contributed to making TAK server publicly available, highlighting its previous exclusivity.

Join us in supporting and contributing to FTS, and let's continue to make it even better together. You can start by giving FTS a star in GitHub: On, in the top-right corner of the page, click Star.